Tallette, Chenango County, New York State

Chenango County in New York State has a hamlet called Tallette and a school called Tallett Hill School which was attended by Grace Brown. Tallette is located in the northeast corner of Chenango County where Chesebro Road, John Karalunas Road, Spurr Street, Pope Hill Road and Giles Road meet. New York zip code 13411.

Did John Tallette settle here? He was rumoured to be from the ranks of the Hessian Soldiers who fought for the British in the American Revolution. Was he the first Tallett in North America? The locals say he got his land grant from General George Washington himself..

Soozi from the US has this to add, 21 October 2006

I recently visited Tallette, NY to see if a farmhouse still existed which was the boyhood home of a series of diaries from the late 1800's that came into my possession. The farm was documented to be in Tallette, NY. It's interesting that you found it on a Yahoo search. Current maps do not identify it, and the current address of anyone living in Tallette is now Columbus, NY. It would have been easier for me to use Yahoo than ride around the countryside! Anyway, upon researching where Tallette may have been, I went to the local history room of the library in New Berlin, NY. In a book there, it stated that Tallette was named for a Hessian soldier that settled there.

I thought you might find the following interesting. It is an excerpt from an obituary I found in one of the pages of a diary from 1887:

The late James Tuttle, who died in the 15 inst. at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Edwin Burdick, in Brookfield, was born on the farm now occupied by A. Brazie, on October 19, 1796 in the house of John Tallett, a Hessian soldier who married the sister of his father, Melieu Tuttle.

For what it's worth...