Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) Ltd - Privacy Statement

This privacy statement relates only to Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) Ltd's website at Links to external web sites are not included. Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) Ltd does not capture and store any personal information about individuals who access this web site, except where you voluntarily choose to give us your personal details via email, enquiring about any of our services. In these cases, in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 the personal data you provide electronically to Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) Ltd will be used exclusively for providing you with the information you have requested. We do not pass any of your personal data to outside organisations and/or individuals, except with your express consent. The information you provide may be stored using UK2 online services also HP and Microsoft Windows with Microsoft 365 and as such may be stored in the United States of America.

This privacy statement complies in detail with the Data Protection Act 2018.

Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) Ltd is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioners Office under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the entry in the register can be found at registration number Z1656865.

The format of the entry was changed in 2014. Here is a copy of the entry as it stood then.

Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) Ltd. Page reviewed and updated Saturday 16th July 2022, 17:23