Form generator in MS Access VBA
This code is similar to the form generator supplied with Microsoft Access - it makes the job of building standard forms for big records fairly trivial. This would be useful when you are developing a front end to a SQL Server database for example. The units of size and co-ordinates of the controls are in twips. A twip is a unit of measurement equal to 1/20th of a point - there are 1440 twips to an inch and 567 twips to a centimetre. The size of a point is 0.35278 mm, and thus 12pt (a pica) is 12*0.35278 = 4.23333 mm. Both Arial and Times New Roman use this definition of point so Arial 10pt is 200 twips high or 3.5278mm
Sub form()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim i As Integer
Dim frm As form
Dim ctlLabel As Control, ctlText As Control
Dim intDataX As Integer, intDataY As Integer
Dim intLabelX As Integer, intLabelY As Integer
Dim sTableName As String
sTableName = "LOCAL tbl_sdd_main"
Set frm = CreateForm
frm.RecordSource = sTableName
intLabelX = 200
intLabelY = 200
intDataX = 2750
intDataY = 200
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(sTableName)
For i = 0 To tdf.Fields.Count - 1
Set fld = tdf.Fields(i)
Set ctlText = _
CreateControl(frm.Name, acTextBox, , "", fld.Name, _
intDataX, intDataY, 1000, 200)
Set ctlLabel = _
CreateControl(frm.Name, acLabel, , ctlText.Name, fld.Name, _
intLabelX, intLabelY, 2000, 100)
ctlText.FontName = "Arial"
ctlText.FontSize = 8
ctlText.Height = 200
ctlText.Width = 1000
ctlLabel.FontName = "Arial"
ctlLabel.FontSize = 8
ctlLabel.Height = 200
ctlLabel.Width = 2000
intLabelY = intLabelY + 300
intDataY = intDataY + 300
If (i Mod 42) = 41 Then
' Exit Sub
intLabelY = 200
intDataY = 200
intLabelX = intLabelX + 4000
intDataX = intDataX + 4000
End If
Next i
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form1", acSaveYes
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", acDesign
Set frm = Forms!Form1
frm.AllowDatasheetView = False
frm.AllowPivotTableView = False
frm.AllowPivotChartView = False
' frm.ScrollBars = Neither
frm.RecordSelectors = False
' frm.NavigationButtons = False
frm.DividingLines = False
frm.AutoCenter = True
' frm.Width = 5748
' frm.AllowDesignChanges = False
' frm.Detail.Height = 2874
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form1", acSaveYes
DoCmd.CopyObject , "AutoForm " & sTableName, acForm, "Form1"
DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, "Form1"
End Sub
Tags - Microsoft Access 2013, Microsoft Access 2010, Microsoft Access 2007, form generator, AutoForm, VBA, code, Microsoft, Visual BASIC for Applications, SQL Server, font, size, Arial, Times New Roman, height, 10 point, millimetres, inches, centimetres, units, point, pica