Make DDL

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' adapted from
' Outputs DDL statements for tables, indexes, and relations from Access file
' NOTE: Adapted from code from "polite person" + Kevin Chambers - see:
Sub sbMakeDDL()
 Dim sFilename As String
 sFilename = "C:\Users\david\Desktop\nwind\out" & Format(Now(), "yyyymmddHHMMSS") & ".txt"
 Open sFilename For Output As #1

Dim appAccess, db, tbl, idx, rel

Set db = CurrentDb

' Iterate over tables
  ' create table statements
For Each tbl In db.TableDefs
  If Not isSystemTable(tbl) And Not isHiddenTable(tbl) Then
    Print #1, getTableDDL(tbl)
    Print #1, ""

    ' Iterate over indexes
      ' create index statements
    For Each idx In tbl.Indexes
        Print #1, getIndexDDL(tbl, idx)

    Print #1, ""
    Print #1, ""
  End If

' Iterate over relations
  ' alter table add constraint statements
For Each rel In db.Relations
  Set tbl = db.TableDefs(rel.Table)
  If Not isSystemTable(tbl) And Not isHiddenTable(tbl) Then
        Print #1, getRelationDDL(rel)
        Print #1, ""
  End If

End Sub

Function getTableDDL(tdef)
Const dbBoolean = 1
Const dbByte = 2
Const dbCurrency = 5
Const dbDate = 8
Const dbDouble = 7
Const dbInteger = 3
Const dbLong = 4
Const dbDecimal = 20
Const dbFloat = 17
Const dbMemo = 12
Const dbSingle = 6
Const dbText = 10
Const dbGUID = 15
Const dbAutoIncrField = 16

Dim fld
Dim sql
Dim ln, a

    sql = "CREATE TABLE " & QuoteObjectName(tdef.Name) & " ("
    ln = vbCrLf

    For Each fld In tdef.Fields
       sql = sql & ln & " " & QuoteObjectName(fld.Name) & " "
       Select Case fld.Type
       Case dbBoolean   'Boolean
          a = "BIT"
       Case dbByte   'Byte
          a = "BYTE"
       Case dbCurrency  'Currency
          a = "MONEY"
       Case dbDate 'Date / Time
          a = "DATETIME"
       Case dbDouble    'Double
          a = "DOUBLE"
       Case dbInteger   'Integer
          a = "INTEGER"
       Case dbLong  'Long
          'test if counter, doesn't detect random property if set
          If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) Then
             a = "COUNTER"
             a = "LONG"
          End If
       Case dbDecimal    'Decimal
          a = "DECIMAL"
       Case dbFloat      'Float
          a = "FLOAT"
       Case dbMemo 'Memo
          a = "MEMO"
       Case dbSingle    'Single
          a = "SINGLE"
       Case dbText 'Text
          a = "VARCHAR(" & fld.Size & ")"
       Case dbGUID 'Text
          a = "GUID"
       Case Else
          '>>> raise error
          MsgBox "Field " & tdef.Name & "." & fld.Name & _
                " of type " & fld.Type & " has been ignored!!!"
       End Select

       sql = sql & a

       If fld.Required Then _
          sql = sql & " NOT NULL "
       If Len(fld.DefaultValue) > 0 Then _
          sql = sql & " DEFAULT " & fld.DefaultValue

       ln = ", " & vbCrLf

    sql = sql & vbCrLf & ");"
    getTableDDL = sql

End Function

Function getIndexDDL(tdef, idx)
Dim sql, ln, myfld

    If Left(idx.Name, 1) = "{" Then
       'ignore, GUID-type indexes - bugger them
    ElseIf idx.Foreign Then
       'this index was created by a relation.  recreating the
       'relation will create this for us, so no need to do it here
       ln = ""
       sql = "CREATE "
       If idx.Unique Then
           sql = sql & "UNIQUE "
       End If
       sql = sql & "INDEX " & QuoteObjectName(idx.Name) & " ON " & _
             QuoteObjectName(tdef.Name) & "( "
       For Each myfld In idx.Fields
          sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.Name)
          ln = ", "
       sql = sql & " )"
       If idx.Primary Then
          sql = sql & " WITH PRIMARY"
       ElseIf idx.IgnoreNulls Then
          sql = sql & " WITH IGNORE NULL"
       ElseIf idx.Required Then
          sql = sql & " WITH DISALLOW NULL"
       End If
       sql = sql & ";"
    End If
    getIndexDDL = sql

End Function

' Returns the SQL DDL to add a relation between two tables.
' Oddly, DAO will not accept the ON DELETE or ON UPDATE
' clauses, so the resulting sql must be executed through ADO
Function getRelationDDL(myrel)
Const dbRelationUpdateCascade = 256
Const dbRelationDeleteCascade = 4096
Dim mytdef
Dim myfld
Dim sql, ln

    With myrel
       sql = "ALTER TABLE " & QuoteObjectName(.ForeignTable) & _
             " ADD CONSTRAINT " & QuoteObjectName(.Name) & " FOREIGN KEY ( "
       ln = ""
       For Each myfld In .Fields 'ie fields of the relation
          sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.ForeignName)
          ln = ","
       sql = sql & " ) " & "REFERENCES " & _
             QuoteObjectName(.Table) & "( "
       ln = ""
       For Each myfld In .Fields
          sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.Name)
          ln = ","
       sql = sql & " )"
       If (myrel.Attributes And dbRelationUpdateCascade) Then _
             sql = sql & " ON UPDATE CASCADE"
       If (myrel.Attributes And dbRelationDeleteCascade) Then _
             sql = sql & " ON DELETE CASCADE"
       sql = sql & ";"
    End With
    getRelationDDL = sql
End Function

Function isSystemTable(tbl)
Dim nAttrib
Const dbSystemObject = -2147483646
    isSystemTable = False
    nAttrib = tbl.Attributes
    isSystemTable = (nAttrib <> 0 And ((nAttrib And dbSystemObject) <> 0))
End Function

Function isHiddenTable(tbl)
Dim nAttrib
Const dbHiddenObject = 1
    isHiddenTable = False
    nAttrib = tbl.Attributes
    isHiddenTable = (nAttrib <> 0 And ((nAttrib And dbHiddenObject) <> 0))
End Function

Function QuoteObjectName(str)
    QuoteObjectName = "[" & str & "]"
End Function