Doc's Style Guide

This is Doc in the top left hand corner, click on him to go back to the start page.

There is no style guide for the original parts of my Silicon Valley Campus Homestead. The site was all originally written using Notepad but this page was written using Word 97.

The colours are white background and black text with blue links, the font is Arial.

There is usually a single graphic in the top left hand corner which expresses the theme of the pages you are viewing and takes you back to the start page for the theme, in Doc's case the English language "Quote for the Day"

Graphics are embedded in the text where they are relevant to the message on the page. Initial focus on the link at the bottom of the page, the next one in the sequence if there are more than one link.

The target screen is 800 x 600 with no scroll bars.

Speed is everything so no GeoGuide as the adverts are always slow to load and so is the GeoGuide before it is cached.

Hope you like it !

