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US Naval Observatory Web Clock


This is the web clock provided by the US Naval Observatory. Reload this page to see it tick. If it doesn't tick as regularly as you expect that's because of the delays on the Internet. Think about changing your ISP !!! You can set the number of 1 second ticks from 1 to 62. Supports these time zones -

UTC ----- Universal Time
AST ----- Atlantic Standard/Daylight Time
EST ----- Eastern Standard/Daylight Time
EET ----- Eastern Standard Time (no daylight time)
CST ----- Central Standard/Daylight Time
MST ----- Mountain Standard/Daylight Time
MMT ----- Mountain Standard Time (no daylight time: Arizona)
PST ----- Pacific Standard/Daylight Time
YST ----- Alaska Standard/Daylight Time
HST ----- Hawaii Standard Time
GMT ----- Greenwich Mean Time/British Summer Time

Only works with Netscape.

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