Option Explicit Sub sbMakeTXT() ' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77618965/excel-vba-export-the-data-from-selected-cells-in-to-txt-format Dim iRows, iColumns, iRow, iColumn As Long Dim sText As String Dim sFileName As String Dim sTXTLine As String Dim sTab As String Dim iFileNumber As String Dim rSelectedRange As Range Set rSelectedRange = Application.Selection iColumns = rSelectedRange.Columns.Count iRows = rSelectedRange.Rows.Count sTab = Chr(9) sTXTLine = "" sFileName = "C:\Users\david\Desktop\a.txt" iFileNumber = FreeFile Open sFileName For Output As iFileNumber For iRow = 1 To iRows For iColumn = 1 To iColumns ' Use the .Text in the Cell not .Value to deal with formula results sText = Cells(iRow, iColumn).Text ' Remove TABs in case they interfere with the file structure sText = Replace(sText, sTab, "") sTXTLine = sTXTLine & sTab & sText Next iColumn Print #iFileNumber, sTXTLine sTXTLine = "" Next iRow Close #iFileNumber End Sub |