Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) Limited recognises that its activities have an impact on the environment. In our activities, working practices and business relationships we are committed to reducing our carbon emissions, protecting and enhancing all aspects of the environment over which we have control and influence, ensuring we are a role model for other organisations.
We aim to:
- Reduce our carbon footprint as an organisation
- Do all we can to comply with, and where possible, to better codes, consents and directives, environmental legislation and regulation
- Reduce to a minimum our environmental impact whilst delivering services
- Operate in a socially responsible manner
- Lead by example within our area in integrating sustainability into business practice
- Improve the efficiency of energy use in our buildings and processes
- Minimise water use in our buildings and processes
- Prevent or minimise the risk of pollution arising from our activities
- Reduce the impact of staff travel on the environment
- Use resources wisely by reducing resource use and re-using and recycling materials wherever possible
- Support local sourcing of goods and service where possible and take environmental considerations into account when selecting our suppliers and contractors
- Encourage the use of fairly traded goods that meet internationally recognised standards
We will ensure our policy is implemented throughout our activities by:
- Raising awareness and encouraging participation from our employees in environmental matters so they can better understand the environmental impacts of their own jobs
- Informing our suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors of the requirement to comply with this policy when supplying goods and services
- Raising awareness amongst Business Link, Chamber of Commerce and encouraging them to adopt their own environmental policies and practices
- Annually reviewing this policy and its effectiveness
- Publicly reporting on our performance
Reviewed and updated 12th December 2016 Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) - Director
We were successful in preparing the ground for solar electricity last year. Next year we will target the use of solar electricity..
Reviewed and updated 6th September 2018 Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands) - Director
We were unsuccessful in our objective for 2016 and due to the loss of a key supplier and other time consuming difficulties so we did not review and report on this policy in 2017.
Next year we will target the use of Fairtrade goods
Reviewed and updated 29th November 2020 during the coronavirus lockdown Industrial Computer Contracts (West Midlands)
We explored the use of Fairphone but found that it was not a viable pathway. We currently use Samsung Galaxy S5 until the end of their useful life.
Next year we will target the planting of trees to combat global warming.